Kyla Brox Band /UK/

“True soul diva… tender, sexy, passionate.” - City Life magazine

Brittish blues singer Kyla Brox has an exquisite voice. Deep, melodic tunes that will haunt you for a long time, together with the brilliant music of her band, well, that’s something you don’t hear every day.

She has first performed while beying just 12 years old with her father’s band Victor Brox Blues Train in a legendary Manchester club Band On The Wall. After her spontaneous performance, she has become a band member. Her concerts were peculiar because of her flute solos, which is something quite extraordinary in blues. From 2000, she has been touring all around Australia, playing in the best clubs, festivals, or in a middle of the dessert for natives.

While back in Manchester, she has decided to establish a brand new band with well respected bass player Danny Blomeley, and call it Kyla Brox Band. They have recorded seven amazing albums, and have become a sensation on the Brittish music scene.




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Contacts and ticket reservation

Narodni 20
Prague 1
110 00
Czech Republic

tel.: +420 737 773 343

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